Database Monitoring Directory Energy Storage Tank 24 T11: Hot water into tank from solar tubes T4: Temperature out of the water tank T3: Cold tank water into heat exchanger 1 T31: Returning cold tank water from temperature HVAC Equip 24 T18: Room temperature T17: Discharge air temperature AHUFanStatus: ON/OFF air circulation fan FlowF12: Chilled water flow rate OLH24 Trend Data KWX10: Utility power (in watts) SOLARPVTOTAL: PVInverter 1 + PVInverter 2 PVINVERTER1: 5KW inverter LOADKW: Load of pump, tower, ventilation PVINVERTER2: 7KW inverter WINDSPIRE: 1.2 KW vertical wind turbine (in watts) BERGYKW: 10KW horizontal wind turbine (in watts) POWEROUT: Excess power (exporting power) EXTRAHEAT 24 T4: Temperature out of the water tank T30: Temperature of the water (inside the boiler) T13: Temperature after the boiler has added the heat GPMF28: Water flowing through the boiler KBTUBOILER: BTUÕs added by boiler (heat) Pump Status: ON/OFF pumping through the boiler ABSORPTION 24 TREND DATA T17: Discharged air temperature T15: Chilled water supply T14: Chilled water returned FLOW14: Chilled water flow rate (gallon/min, GPM) PUMP5STATUS: ON/OFF chill water pump PERCENT V4: Chill water bypass value [0- no cooling; 100- full cooling] COOLING TOWER 24 T5: Temperature into the absorption chiller T22: Temperature to the cooling tower FLOWF22: Flow through the cooling tower PERCENT BY TOWER V3: 0 to 100 [0- no tower flow; 100- full tower flow] PUMP4 STATUS: ON/OFF cooling tower pump EXCESS HEAT24 T7: Temperature of the supplied cold water T8: Temperature of the drain KBTO HEAT DUMP: GPMF8: Flow going to the drain PERCENTV1: Analog 0 to 100 [0- dump all; 100- capture all] VALVE 2 CONTROL: ON/OFF solar tubes [When solar tubes too warm we canÕt capture any more heat and we dump the heat] Collector Temperature TREND Data T1: Temperature from all solar collectors T2: Temperature to all solar collectors T23: Temperature from South Bank 1 Solar collector T24: Temperature from South Bank 2 Solar collector T25: Temperature from South Bank 3 Solar collector T26: Temperature from South Bank 4 Solar collector T27: Temperature from North Bank 5 Solar collector Weather Station FFWS2: Outside temperature weather station FFWS3: Humidity relative FFWS4: Wind speed (mph) FFWS5: Wind direction [0- north; 180- south] FFWS1: Radiance 0 to 1 [0 to 1000 watts/sq meter of sunlight] Collector Summary 24 Trend Data GPMTotal Collector: Total flow (GPMF23+24+25+26+27) GPMF23: Flow through South Bank 1 GPMF24: Flow through South Bank 2 GPMF25: Flow through South Bank 3 GPMF26: Flow through South Bank 4 GPMF27: Flow through North Bank 5 PERCENTVDFP1: 0 to 100 KBTUCOLLECTORS: Amount of heat collected [dt * GPM*500] Energy Summary KBTU Collectors: Capturing from the Sun KBTU Captured: Capturing from the solar tubes to the tank KBTU Boiler: Extra heat added with natural gas KBTUPEX: On the floor KBTUAC: Air conditioning KBTUHEAT Dump: dumping to the drain ROOM CONDITION 24 T18: Room temperature HUMIDUTY: Room humidity OAT: Outside air temperature DAYNIGHT: Day night sensor (ON/OFF) HEATEX 124 GPMTotalCOLLECTOR: Flow rate (to and from all the collectors) PERCENTVFDP1: Flow rate (0 to 100) T6: Hot water from the collector T9: Out of heat exchanger 2 (rejected heat) T10: Water out of heat exchanger 1 (cold side of the captured heat) T11: Hot water into tank from solar tubes T3: Cold tank water into heat exchanger 1 FLOWF3: Flow of T3 (GPM) TD24TEMPDATA TBIO8: Top of north tank and leaving tank TBIO9: Bottom of north tank and leaving tank TBIO10: South bank top leaving TBIO11: South bank bottom leaving TBIO4: Cooler water back to the cogen TBIO5: Hot water from the cogenerator TBIO1: Temperature going to biogas burner TBIO2: Temperature from the biogas burner ModeSelection: 1 to 7 BioBURNERSTATUS: Wood chip burner (ON/OFF- 1/0) COGENSTATS: Working status of cogen system (1/0)