Brazil-Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios (MAPS)

From Open Energy Information


The MAPS programme is a collaboration amongst developing countries to accelerate political commitment for the formulation and implementation of ambitious mitigation action. It aims to achieve this by building a broad base of support among domestic stakeholders through the development of sound evidence to support climate mitigation. It is a government mandated participative process that engages stakeholders across sectors and partners them with the best indigenous and international research. Central to MAPS is the combination of research and stakeholder interest, with policy and planning.

MAPS is currently partnering with four Latin American Countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. These countries have at the presidential or ministerial level decided to conduct country wide assessments to explore pathways to a climate compatible economy. The countries will adopt a common approach combining process driven dialogue between stakeholders from all sectors of society and country based research groups. All partners have agreed to collaborate with each other in an effort to build best practice, share tools and research and to create a growing body of knowledge, from a developing country perspective, that is accessible to the international climate change community.

MAPS grew out of the experience of the government mandated Long Term Mitigation Scenarios (LTMS) process that took place in South Africa between 2005 and 2008. The stakeholder driven process set the strategic direction for national climate policy and laid out the government’s vision and framework for climate policy. The LTMS relied on the rigour of its research as well as modelling which were key to its approach. The LTMS informed South Africa’s position for Copenhagen and is the base of much of South Africa’s domestic policy.

MAPS Processes and Outcomes


The overall objective of the MAPS-Chile is to develop feasible and cost-effective quantitative scenarios and mitigation options in Chile by sector for 2020, 2030 and 2050 and on this basis to derive a palette of concrete and preferred mitigation options for key sectors. The work should feed into Chile´s overall Low Carbon Development Strategy. Quantitative scenarios and options for mitigating climate change, detailed analysis of potential mitigation actions by sector, contributiing to the design of a low, emissions development strategy, outreach materials in diverse formats aimed at key stakeholder groups, implementation of knowledge management tools relating to climate change in Chile on a dynamic web platform, feedback from the diverse stakeholders on key issues related to climate change, relevant experience on best practices for multi-stakeholder participatory processes on sustainability issues in the country.

For more information visit the MAPS Chile country page and project website (Spanish).


The Colombian Low Carbon Development Strategy (CLCDS) is a medium and long term development programme led by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS), the Department of National Planning (DNP), and sectoral ministries of Colombia. It aims to strengthen Colombia’s economic and social development whilst meeting global requirements of efficiency, competitiveness and environmental performance. The sectors participating in the strategy are Industry, Energy, Mining, Transport, Housing, Waste, and Agriculture. The Colombian Low Carbon Development Strategy, together with the National Adaptation Plan for Climate Change, the REDD+ National Strategy, and the Strategy for Financial Protection Against Natural Disasters constitute the National Climate Change Policy established in the National Development Plan 2010 – 2014.

The strategy aims to 1) Identify and assess different actions that would reduce GHG emissions whilst supporting sectoral growth, 2) develop Mitigation Action Plans for each Colombian productive sector, and 3) create and promote tools for their implementation.

For further information visit the MAPS Colombia country page.


The MAPS project in Peru, or PlanCC as it is known, seeks to contribute to Peru’s sustainable development through incorporating climate change in development planning, and in so doing supporting the move to a low carbon economy. The project will provide quantitative and qualitative evidence on possible mitigation scenarios, build capacity and thus lay the foundations for long term low carbon economic growth.

The project is to be carried out in three phases; the first phase PlanCC will develop an independent study on alternative development scenarios and their relationship to climate change mitigation and impacts. The process combines research and consultation under a strong governmental mandate, and aims to strengthen capacities for national dialogue and create a strong evidence base to tackle climate change mitigation and its integration into development planning.

For more information visit the MAPS Peru country page.


The MAPS project in Brazil, IES Brazil, is currently in the earliest planning phase. Current work by COPPE researchers at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, aimed at linking sectoral and economy-wide models, is progressing well and set for completion by August 2013. The MAPS Proposal, institutional framework and objectives are under discussion with the relevant Ministries in Brazil. We will outline the full nature of the intended project once these discussions are completed.

For more information visit the MAPS Brazil country page


Mitigation Action Country Studies
  • Mitigation Actions, Brazil [1]
  • Mitigation Actions, Chile [2]
  • Mitigation Actions, Colombia [3]
  • Mitigation Actions, Peru [4]
  • Mitigation Actions, South Africa [5]
Poverty, Inequality and Mitigation
  • India Country Study: Poverty and Low Carbon Development Strategies [6]
  • Reducing Poverty and Inequality Whilst Mitigation Climate Change [7]
  • Low Carbon Development and Poverty: Exploring poverty alleviating mitigation action in developing countries [8]
Modelling Methodologies
MAPS Labs and Workshops

MAPS is committed to collaborating with our country partners to build a knowledge base of best practice from our cumulative experiences that can be shared with the climate change and development community. One of our methods of bringing about collaborative learning and sharing is through our workshops which we call ‘labs’ based on the idea of a laboratory. Selected lab resources can be Find out more about our labs and access selected resources here.



  1.  "Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios (MAPS)"